Kamis, 30 September 2010

Book Review : Primal Leadership

Daniel Goleman , Richard E. Boyatzis , Annie McKee

"The fundamental task of leaders... is to prime good feeling in those they lead. That occurs when a leader creates resonance a reservoir of positivity that unleashes the best in people. At its root, then, the primal job of leadership is emotional." So argue Goleman (Emotional Intelligence) and EI (emotional intelligence) experts Boyatzis and McKee. They use the word "primal" not only in its original sense, but also to stress that making employees feel good (i.e., inspired and empowered) is the job a leader should do first. To prove that the need to lead and to respond to leadership is innate, the authors cite numerous biological studies of how people learn and react to situations (e.g., an executive's use of innate self-awareness helps her to be open to criticism). And to demonstrate the importance of emotion to leadership, they note countless examples of different types of leaders in similar situations, and point out that the ones who get their employees emotionally engaged accomplish far more. Perhaps most intriguing is the brief appendix, where the authors compare the importance of IQ and EI in determining a leader's effectiveness. Their conclusion that EI is more important isn't surprising, but their reasoning is. Since one has to be fairly smart to be a senior manager, IQ among top managers doesn't vary widely. However, EI does. Thus, the authors argue, those managers with higher EI will be more successful.


Is This The New Earth?
Thursday, September 30th 2010 | 14:57 WIB
       The chances that future generations will one day colonize the stars have just got higher. Astronomers tonight announced the discovery of the most Earth-like planet ever found - a rocky world three times the size of our own world, orbiting a star 20 light years away..
        The planet lies in the star's 'Goldilocks zone' - the region in space where conditions are neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to form oceans, lakes and rivers.
        The planet also appears to have an atmosphere, gravity like our own and could well be capable of life.
        The discovery comes three years after astronomers found a similar, slightly less habitable planet around the same star.
        It takes just 37 days to orbit its sun which means its seasons last for just a few days. This planet doesn't have days and nights. Wherever you are on this planet, the sun is in the same position all the time. You have very stable zones where the ecosystem stays the same temperature... basically forever.
        This planet has not been given a proper name. It is so far away, spaceships traveling close to the speed of light would take 20 years to make the journey. If a rocket was one day able to travel at a tenth of the speed of light, it would take 200 years to make the journey.

Thursday, September 30th, 2010 14:19 WIB
Falling Down When Pregnant, Mariah Carey Uses Wheelchair

A singer, Mariah Carey who is pregnant of the fifth month, looks using wheelchair when arriving in Los Angeles International Airport, US, on Tuesday (28/9/10).
When having a show in Singapore on Sunday (26/9/10), actually she should use special shoes for pregnant ladies. Because she didn’t have it, so she just used her high heels shoes.
She fell in sitting position on the stage. Fortunately, some of her background dancers immediately help her to stand up.

Book Share

        One of the amazing books that I’ve ever read. It’s about motivation book. This book was created by Larry A. Thompson. He’s one of the success people in the world. Now, He dedicates his life for entertainment, especially film. He has known many success stories from everyone around him. In this book, he shares about the experiences of actresses and actors to get their success.
        He motivates the readers to always have spirit to be the best. He said “Everyone can be the star. To be the star, we shouldn’t be actresses or actors. We can be the star by using our own special skills”. He also share some tips to be the star, such as:

  • Know about ourselves. Someone who wants to be the star have to knows and then develops for everything they have, such as their own skills.
  • Have to be Focus. We should have visions for our lives. We have to be focus about it, so we can get our successes.
  •  Try to Get Luck. We have to know all of the opportunity around us critically.
        Actually there are still a lot of amazing things in this book. Now, I try to apply it in my life so that I hope I can be one of the success people.

September 30th 2010,


Sabtu, 25 September 2010

About Minimerszzzz....

Here is us, Minimerz ( MiniMax Lovers )... We'll let you know more about each of us...
Check it out!
             Hi guys, my name is Widyawati Putri C but just call me Putri. I’m in eleventh grader now and I was born in Tuban, July 16th 1993 so I have got my sweet seventeenth. I’m the youngest one in my family and have a brother in college. I like doing something exciting but my Hobbies exactly were reading novels or cycling and swimming. I’m one of the scholar in SMAN 10 Malang Sampoerna Academy in Sawojajar, I live in Brawijaya dormitory with my friends from other region. 

             Hello, do you want to know about me? My full name is Lu’Lu’ Dien Islami, but  you can call me Andien. I was born in Lamongan, December 20th 1994. Actually, I come from Bojonegoro, East java, but now I stay at Brawijaya Dormitory in Malang. It is because I’m one of the scholars of SMAN 10 MALANG Sampoerna Academy. I’m really proud of that. I have a lot of hobbies, but I really like listening to music, reading novel, and browsing. I have dreams to be the best Mathematics lecturer and be good person for others who can make their lives become better. My biggest dream is I want to make my mom and my family always smile and proud of me. I hope all of my dreams will come true. Amien.. 

Hello friends.. My name is Candra Nurmalia Dewi. You can call me Candra. I was born in Banyuwangi on October 30th 1994. I am a scholar of SMAN 10 Malang Sampoerna Academy. I live in Brawijaya Dormitory with my friend. I come from Bangkalan-Madura. My hobbies are laughing and sleeping. I have a dream to join a big orchestra as a pianist. I also want to be a pediatrician to help children in this world, but my biggest dream is I will make my parents proud of me and change their live become well. 

Hi guys… My name is Ziky Jiwatama. All people can call me Ziky, or you want to call me Jiwa it is OK. I was born in Trenggalek on October 9th 1993. I have school at SMAN 10 Malang Sampoerna Academy. As you know that my hometown is Trenggalek exactly in Duren Village, Tugu, Trenggalek, East java, Java, Indonesia, South East Asia, Asia, earth, solar system, milky way galaxy but actually now I live in Brawijaya Dormitary with my 149 friends and 150 junior. My hobby is watching movies, sleeping, browsing, and reading comic. I want to be a great successful in this world, an also I have a dream to make my family well. I hope my life will be better at future.

It is me, a scholar of SMAN 10 Malang SAMPOERNA ACADEMY, Fiananda Susi Wijayati. A girl called Fifi, who was born in Jember on Friday, April 21st 1995. Now, I live at dormitory and am an eleventh grader. I like to do many things in my spare time, singing, drawing, listening music, watching television, browsing, and also sleeping. I do really love music, so that I want to build a big orchestra and be the composer. Besides that, I also have other ideas. I want to be a doctor, lecture, singer, architect, and scientist. Seeing my parents feeling happy is the best time in my life.